Swedish metal band Sister releases new single 'The Way We Fall' - a last-minute title that perfectly captures the overarching theme of the upcoming album, showcasing a heavier and darker side of the band.
· By Mattias Forsgren
Get ready to crank it up - Sister is back with a vengeance! They’re finally unleashing the first single from their highly anticipated upcoming album, and this time it’s under their new record label Icons Creating Evil Art. First out from the album is the title track The Way We Fall, which is the ultimate tease of what’s to expect. Louder, heavier and angrier than ever before. “This last-minute title perfectly captures the overarching theme of the album, showcasing a heavier and darker side of the band. ‘The Way We Fall’ describes exactly where Sister is today: heavy, raw, and...
Alternative hard rock trio Luponero release new self titled album - A album with “positive nihilism”, rooted in grunge, punk, classic rock, and synthwave, it’s an unpredictable, genre-blending journey. Release: March 21 via Icons Creating Evil Art
· By Mattias Forsgren
Finnish alternative hard rock trio Luponero is delivering an unrelenting burst of raw energy with their debut self titled album. This album is a deep dive into “positive nihilism”, reflecting on modern culture’s mix of resignation and humor in the face of chaos. Rooted in grunge, punk, classic rock, and synthwave, it’s an unpredictable, genre-blending journey. The band will also release a new music video for the single "Pickup Artist", that you can watch above. About their album they had this to say: "In an age where continuously publishing singles is the new norm, I’m old school enough to be...
Vill du också leva i en fantasi och fly verkligheten en stund? Låt Sagostund ta dig och hela familjen in i deras värld på debutalbumet 'Leva i en fantasi' (LP/digitalt) Debutalbumet släpps 21 mars via Icons Creating Evil Art
· By Mattias Forsgren
Tyckte du också att 70-talet gick snabbt förbi? SVT barnprogram, proggen och yviga hår.Då har Sagostund något att bjuppa dig på, för här spelas det svensk progressiv Barn-&-Vuxenmusik med en nypa av nytänkande och överdriven tokighet. Texterna är allvarsamma och handlar om svårigheter med att vara vuxen, berättat ur ett barnsligt perspektiv. Ångest, depression, meningslöshet i vardagen. Hur vuxna flyr verkligheten och fantiserar som barn - fast genom berusning och lust. Om du läst så här långt så kanske vi kan få skicka ett fysiskt ex (vinyl) hem till dig? Maila oss i så fall på promotion@icea.se. Debutalbumet Leva i...
REACH release a series of unplugged songs as part of the deluxe version of Prophecy Released April 30th via Icons Creating Evil Art
· By Mattias Forsgren
Swedish hailing rockband REACH is making waves in the international Rock scene with their new album Prophecy. This successful album Prophecy featured the electrifying single Mama Mama. received excessive airplay on German stations Radio Bob, Star FM and Radio 21, the album was also supported by Rock Antenne which means four of the biggest rock stations in Germany. REACH also earned support from leading national rock stations Bandit Rock (Sweden) and Rock Radio (Finland). REACH offer fans a series of filmed unplugged videos this spring and include a couple of those recordings on a deluxe edition of their successful album...
Anthony Mills announce part III of his country trilogy with Hook, lyin, and sinker. A single about fallin completely for a lie, getting ”beat up” by the truth.
· By Mattias Forsgren
Anthony Mills coming back for the third chapter of his country trilogy. Fight'n songs is in your face baritone horn and marching band bass. Patterns from pre-teen anger turned in to bangers of pugnacious verse. Mills ignites the 2nd line /drum corps heritage here for a fight'n songs soundtrack. First single is called hook, line, and sinker, a phrase which means to fall for something completely. He comments: " Hook, lyin, and sinker details folk falling completely for a lie , having to then get ”beat up” by the truth." ---Since he was a young dude in Akron, OH, Anthony...
Lustans Lakejer släpper en digital 12" EP med mixar av sin singel Dekadens, med mixar som tidigare enbart gjorts tillgängliga på vinyl. Släpps 12 mars via Icons Creating Evil Art
· By Mattias Forsgren
Lustans Lakejers följde i somras upp sitt åttonde album 'Mörk Materia' med sin nya singel ”Dekadens” och bandets frontman Johan Kinde fortsätter att utforska de ämnen som alltid fascinerat honom: sex, moral, begär och de drifter som får människor att svika sina löften. Nu har bandet själva remixat singeln och resultatet är enastående. En av bandets vänner beskrev den nya radiomixen så här: ”Det låter som om Giorgio Moroder, Nile Rodgers och DAF skulle ha hamnat i samma studio - men samtidigt 100% procent LL.” Kinde förklarar:- ”Vi har alltid strävat efter att göra musik och texter som väcker känslor...