Är du också less på att vara vuxen? Det frågar sig det proggiga kollektivet Sagostund på nya singeln 'Bara vara barn' Singesläpp 14 februari via Icons Creating Evil Art Debut albumet Leva i en fantasi släpps 21 mars (LP/digitalt)
· By Mattias Forsgren
Det proggiga kollektivet Sagostund från Umeå släpper nya singeln 'Bara vara barn' tillsammans med en live session video den 14 februari via Icons Creating Evil Art. Debutalbumet Leva i en fantasi släpps 21 mars (LP/digitalt) via Icons Creating Evil Art. ---Vill du bara njuta av din müsliskål i lugn och ro utan att oroa dig för att världen står i brand? Känns det oviktigt att mänskligheten kanske går under när din senaste batch lingonsylt blev helt fantastisk? Då, min vän, kan vi inte annat än att hålla med. Det är just därför vi i Sagostunds ekonomiska förening spelar progg (med...
Alternative hard rock trio Luponero release new single Pickup Artist - a song about the rise of pickup artistry, its impact, and the fine line between empowerment and manipulation. Release: February 12th via Icons Creating Evil Art
· By Mattias Forsgren
Finnish alternative hard rock trio Luponero is delivering an unrelenting burst of raw energy with their latest single, Pickup Artist. This electrifying track marks the second step in the countdown to their highly anticipated debut album and comes with a visually captivating accompanying music video. Fans can preorder the single and debut album now: https://luponeromusic.bandcamp.com About there second single Pickup Artist they had this to say: It may be hard to imagine for a generation brought up with Tinder and Hinge, but there was a time when getting dates was manual labour. And in this ruthless, ancient battlefield of seduction,...
Brighton based producer Cut La Roc remix Erratic from Visors featuring Icelandic trailblazers Þór Eldon and Einar Örn from The Sugarcubes Remix release February 7th via Icons Creating Evil Art
· By Mattias Forsgren
Brighton based producer Cut La Roc remix Erratic from Visors featuring Icelandic trailblazers Þór Eldon and Einar Örn from The Sugarcubes. This new track from American duo Visors is heavily inspired by the Madchester sound of the early 90s, capturing the vibrant essence of the Manchester/Hacienda club scene and maybe a bit of The Shamen in there. Now Cut La Roc adds his own house infusion to the mix. Erratic stands out not only for its nostalgic homage to a transformative era in music but also for its collaboration with Þór Eldon and Einar Örn from the trailblazing Icelandic band,...
Dwayne Sodahberk (known from the early 2000 electro/electroclash wave) has remixed Sweden’s reigning Electro Clash Queen EMMON and Majestoluxe's single Blood on the Ceiling
· By Mattias Forsgren
Majestoluxe, the enigmatic figurehead of Stockholms underground electronic scene, released his new captivating EP titled "Stolid State" earlier this summer followed by the French duo Maman Küsters and legendary British industrial group Test Dept. These releases marked the start of the artist’s new collaboration with Stockholm-based Boutique Label Icons Creating Evil Art. The EP was then followed by an album campaign that was announced with the single Life-as-a-Service late September, and The Future Leaks Out earlier this month. For the third and last single before the album Majestoluxe has collaborated with genre-sibling EMMON (also signed to the ICEA label). The...
WAXTEETH, the masked menace of dubstep and horror bass, is back fusing skull-crushing bass with the angsty energy of nu metal. New single Wild Wild West is released Jan. 31st via Icons Creating Evil Art
· By Mattias Forsgren
Sweden's relentless Dubstep don Waxteeth has taken the scene by storm with his no holds barred approach to the genre, with a level of musicality and violence that is often unheard. New single Wild Wild West drops January 31st on Icons Creating Evil Art. Waxteeth comment on the new release: ‘Wild Wild West is an edgy 00s outsider anthem with big guitars, chants and ofc some rap, packaged as a bass banger. All things that I love. Zardonic took this and smashed it into the next gear w his high octane drumstep and man, it is crazy! Loud and in...
Det proggiga kollektivet Sagostund från Umeå släpper episkt musikäventyr och progg-opera med Jättar som haltar (singel / musikvideo) 24 jan.
· By Mattias Forsgren
MEDDELANDE FRÅN SAGOSTUND: Mina damer och herrar, diversearbetare och Ölkafé-besökare. Gör er redo för att underhållas av Sagostunds episka musikäventyr & Progg-opera: 'Jättar som haltar' !!! I den här sagan får vi se vad som händer då människans begär och maktlystenhet överstiger den lilla rösten inombords vi kallar samvetet. Då skogarna skövlas av högljudda, rökspyendes maskiner, hur ska då en enkel bergsjätte finna ro att sova? För då det uppstår friktion och sprickor i samexistensen mellan människan och skogens varelser… kom då ihåg att KRIG är lättare att starta än det är att avsluta. ----------------Under det senaste 12 månaderna har...