Högaktuella NoIcE släpper nya singeln Tar det upp i topp, producerad av Anton Ekström (Per Gessle, Fröken Snusk) Singeln släpps 13 september via Icons Creating Evil Art
· By Mattias Forsgren
Högaktuella NoIcE släpper nya singeln Tar det upp i topp, producerad av Anton Ekström (Per Gessle, Fröken Snusk). Singeln släpps 13 september via Icons Creating Evil Art. NoIcE är med alla sina hitlåtar utan tvekan ett av de största svenska banden någonsin. I år är intresset för NoIcE större än det har varit någon gång sedan 1981. 2024 släpptes det nya studioalbumet Gustavsberg som följdes av en utsåld succéturné samt släppet av minialbumet Tillbaka till framtiden. Detta följs nu av en späckad höst som inkluderar ny musik, krogshow och medverkan i Så Mycket Bättre. Efter ett år av hänförande konserter...
After successfully collaborating with Ezekiel and Boy Destroy; CORRO now return with his new single Your Web from upcoming EP The single is released September 13 on Icons Creating Evil Art
· By Mattias Forsgren
Emerging alt-pop artist CORRO has collaborated with the hyperpop sensation Ezekiel and the alt/emo kid Boy Destroy this summer, and before that he released the single 'Show Me Love' all of them showcasing a new direction leaning more toward indie pop than his earlier post-grunge inspired alt-pop. But with the new single Your Web he gives us a nod to show he's not all completely left the punk and post-grunge behind. CORRO comments: - "Your Web really is just a sucker punch of a need to be physically seen and wanted. I wanted to go back to my roots of...
Test Dept. remix the Majestoluxe track Assertive Indifference. Released September 6th via Icons Creating Evil Art (Industrial / Electro / Dark Electronic)
· By Mattias Forsgren
Majestoluxe, the enigmatic figurehead of Stockholms underground electronic scene, released his new captivating EP titled "Stolid State" earlier this summer. The release marked the start of the artist’s new collaboration with Stockholm-based Boutique Label Icons Creating Evil Art, which also is the home of genre-sibling EMMON. With this new offering, Majestoluxe promised bass lines covered in concrete dust and beats infested with severe rust damage. Now he follows the EP up with the second of two remix collaboration; this first one was from the French duo Maman Küsters. This new remix is a dark industrial piece by Test Dept.; a...
NoIcE samarbetar med Frans Janousek på officiella remixen av 'Vi e här å nu' , plockat från senaste albumet Gustavsberg Singeln släpps 30 augusti via Icons Creating Evil Art
· By Mattias Forsgren
NoIcE följer upp deras utsålda succéturné och nya albumet Gustavsberg, samt släppet av minialbumet Tillbaka till framtiden, med en späckad höst som inkluderar ny musik, krogshow och medverkan i Så Mycket Bättre. Först ut blir ett samarbete med DJn och radioprofilen Frans Janousek som remixat låten Vi e här å nu från nya albumet. Peo Thyrén förklarar: - "Frans Janousek är en av Sveriges allra bästa DJ:s och remixare. Med sin remix av "Vi e här å nu" har han lyft vår låt till en helt ny nivå, och vi är stolta och glada över att få samarbeta med honom."...
After having worked with bands such as Goat and Graveyard this past year, Telos Vision is now ready to unveil a new exciting collaboration and EP. First out is the single 'Til The End which is released August 28 on his new label home Icons Creating Evil
· By Mattias Forsgren
Teodor Boogh, with the alias Telos Vision, is often seen working with well known artists and musicians in Sweden. Having worked with bands such as Goat, Graveyard, and toured with The Soundtrack Of Our Lives and Graveyard this past year, Telos Vision is now ready to unveil a new exciting collaboration and EP. First out is the single 'Til The End which is released August 28 on his new label home Icons Creating Evil Art. Teodor comments about the new single: - "The first song I wrote for the EP, and the first song we recorded. This was basically recorded...
After having worked with bands such as Goat and Graveyard this past year, Telos Vision is now ready to unveil a new exciting collaboration and EP. First out is the single 'Til The End which is released August 28 on his new label home Icons Creating Evil
· By Mattias Forsgren
Teodor Boogh, with the alias Telos Vision, is often seen working with well known artists and musicians in Sweden. Having worked with bands such as Goat, Graveyard, and toured with The Soundtrack Of Our Lives and Graveyard this past year, Telos Vision is now ready to unveil a new exciting collaboration and EP. First out is the single 'Til The End which is released August 28 on his new label home Icons Creating Evil Art. Teodor comments about the new single: - "The first song I wrote for the EP, and the first song we recorded. This was basically recorded...